
Monday, August 18, 2014

(Full) Michael Brown Eye Witness Crime Scene Video + Many Racist Comments?

"A previously unnoticed detail in a background conversion of a video taken minutes after the Ferguson shooting could change the course of the investigation into Mike Brown’s death."

After watching some of the video, I scrolled down.. knowing that I would see plenty of ignorant racist comments like...

"I don't know, I still believe the ghetto version, the cop driving down the street grabbed 6'4" 250 lb Brown and tried to pull him through the little police vehicle window, so he could place him on his own lap then arrest him. But changed his mind and decided to throw away a $60,000 dollar a year job, with great benefits and full pension, just so he could shoot a guy he never met before. Ghetto logic friends."


"The cop weighs 150lb, the dumb ape he shot is 300lb.

Who the fuck is overweight?"

"who cares lol, commit a robbery, refuse to surrender then approach the cop in a menacing manner? 

hahahaha what are you expecting to happen."

"i'm glad he died doing what he loved.."

"In the middle of the street with his pants around his ankles and his butt up in the air. They should build a fuckin statue of him right fuckin there."

"The cop had a clean record, never had a complaint against him, I highly doubt he would just shoot someone for absolutely no reason. Don't charge towards or threaten a cop or anyone else who has a gun. It's not a fucking game."

If you would like to see more bullshit like this with your own eyes... you can do so --> HERE

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