Stop selling hate books
When I first heard that Amazon was making money from a book called “I Hate Black Women,” I didn’t want to believe it. Like many people, I loved using Amazon for my shopping. I just didn’t expect that it would allow -- let alone profit -- from a product that spews racist propaganda.
The book is written by T.C. Writer, who says “...the African American audience respond better to hate than love”. In the book, the author says, “What has been overlooked is that the Black race would not be on the world's hit list if it wasn't for the actions of the Black woman.”
The fact that Amazon has chosen to profit from an author who portrays black women as the cause of the world’s problems and uses their words to threaten a black women, suggests that Amazon condones such abhorrent behavior. It is time for Amazon to remove such hatred from its online store and affiliated websites.
Far too often, we have seen violence inflicted on people because of who they are, what they believe, their gender, or who they love. That hatred is condoned, even encouraged, by the author of this book, and Amazon has a responsibility to remove it.
T.C. Writer and Amazon shouldn't profit from threatening and debasing black women, or any group. Amazon doesn’t need to profit from a book describing black women as "hateful creatures", and making such vitriolic statements as, "...I along with the rest of the world HATE you so much," would furnish. Amazon has the means to make more responsible choices.
Help me tell Amazon to remove T.C. Writer's book from it's online store and affiliate websites. Let people buy their hatred elsewhere.
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